RPHI What To Look For When Buying A Mattress

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You Could Be Ready for a New Sleep Set If…

You don’t sleep well.
Your back aches.
You feel tired in the morning.
Your muscles hurt.
You feel drained and lack energy due to improper rest.
You and your mate have no room to move on your “baby-size” mattress (Full size mattresses force
a couple to sleep in an area no wider than a baby crib!).

And You Should Get a New Sleep Set If…

Your Mattress is lumpy and uneven.
Your Mattress or edges sag.
Your foundation …


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You Could Be Ready for a New Sleep Set If…

You don’t sleep well.
Your back aches.
You feel tired in the morning.
Your muscles hurt.
You feel drained and lack energy due to improper rest.
You and your mate have no room to move on your “baby-size” mattress (Full size mattresses force
a couple to sleep in an area no wider than a baby crib!).

And You Should Get a New Sleep Set If…

Your Mattress is lumpy and uneven.
Your Mattress or edges sag.
Your foundation appears uneven or sagging.
Your mattress cover is torn, stained or soiled.
You’re embarrassed to show your uncovered bed to your neighbors.

Compare Leading Brands. Look For Real Value.

Basic economics tells us value is not the cheapest price…it is how many features and benefits you receive for the price. Higher prices usually mean more features and benefits, which mean better support and comfort for you. So invest in yourself. Buy the best quality sleep set your budget will allow. You deserve the best!

Why A Premium Quality Sleep System Is Your Best Investment

When you look for a new sleep set, remember it’s what you can’t see that counts. “On sale” specials may look like bargains, but how well do they support you…and how long will they last? A quality sleep set is designed and engineered to provide you with proper support and comfort for years and years. High quality beds are a better investment, because it will cost you less to sleep on per night than an ordinary a bargain “special”.

Why Buy A System?

Your boxspring foundation absorbs about 40% of the wear and tear on your sleep set. Only a total sleep system assures proper, healthful support. Get the set!

Which Size For You?

Remember…you spend one third of your life in bed. More individual sleeping surface means a better night’s rest.

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