Category : Health 2

Your Body Is A Map of Your Consciousness – by Martin Brofman, PhD. Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being. You decide what ideas to accept and ..

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The purpose of this article is to provide information on methods and techniques on how to cope with pain, or in some instances, possibly even overcoming pain with the use of techniques derived from Yoga meditation. Chronic pain sufferers spend millions of dollars to find ways of relieving their pain. This article hopes to share ..

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When we discover that we are heavier than we want to be, we have a natural inclination to eat less food. We may skip lunch or eat only a tiny amount of our dinner in the hope that if we eat less our body will burn off some of its fat. But that is not ..

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WHY WEIGHT LIFTING? What’s the one thing that you can do to lose weight, re-shape your body, improve muscle tone, become stronger, fight off osteoporosis, lower blood pressure, etc.? Weight Lifting! Or as it’s also called, Strength Training! For the rest of this book I will refer to the art of weight lifting as strength ..

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In order to understand stress better, it is a good idea to understand that there are different stress levels. These levels vary in the form of stress they take and they can often provide an indication of how to treat the stress. Furthermore, there are tests available that can help people understand their own, particular ..

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